Andalusia offers an ideal climate for the practice of paragliding. It shows temperatures that, being mild in winter, rise markedly during the summer, by hot weather conditions and intense sunlight which is excellent for paragliding, and, above all, present in most of its geography more than 3,000 hours of sunshine a year.
The large number and dispersion of paragliding stations by the wide geography of five of the Andalusian provinces (Almería, Cádiz, Granada, Jaen and Malaga) allows you as sportman and fan to move freely through Andalusia, knowing that there is a extensive equipment that allows you to practice your sport.
Andalusia has 25 paragliding areas throughout its territory, although there are more consolidated areas than others who have a well specific infrastructure to the practice of this sport, with access, runways and landing zones well equipped. The best known are in the towns of Algodonales (Cadiz), El Yelmo (Jaen), Loja (Granada), Dalias (Almería) and Valle de Abdalajís (Málaga), but by no means detracts from the rest. In all have been held international and national competitions, and have schools, pragliding clubs and active tourism companies perfectly prepared to make and offer this sport and leisure.
You can download here the “Andalucía Paragliding Stations Guide” and begin to enjoy this fantastic sport with your campervan.